Christopher's Hardwood Flooring

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Welcome to our "free" web site hosted by TRIPOD!

This is a "FREE" website that is hosted by Tripod.
Tripod may allow some of our competitors to advertise on our web site. That is healthy, but our hardwood floors are a work of art. Please come see for yourself. We're good. We're fast. We're affordable!
Our tools icons on the upper left corner and at the bottom of this page are links to some of our beautiful artistic floors. Please enjoy, and thank you for taking the time to visit us.

This website is an experiment in Internet advertising. Today is Monday, November 8, 2004.
Yesterday, November 7, this unregistered, undeveloped web site was found on the first page of every major search engine (Alexa, AllTheWeb, AltaVista, Galaxy, Google, Lycos, Mamma, MetaCrawler, Netscape, AOL, Ask Jeeves, HotBot, iXquick, Teoma,, WebCrawler, WindSeek, MSN, YaHoo! & etc... et al...) by typing into the search engine's dialog "search" box these words: "Hardwood Flooring, Somerdale, New Jersey 08083." 
On Tuesday November 9, 2004 this site is NOT listed in any of the search engines listed above... On Thursday, November 18, 2004 this site is on top of all of the search engines listed above! I'm wondering what's going on here?

The webmaster at Christopher's Hardwood Flooring is busy as a J. Robert Beaver, editing and updating this website.
Please bookmark and visit us often as this website is in the process of evolving...

A link to our website hosted by YaHoo!
Please click on our sign to visit our website hosted by YaHoo!

Please get in touch to offer comments and join our mailing list for sales and specials!

You can e-mail us at:

You can contact us at this eMail address:


Christopher's Hardwood Flooring
Post Office Box 3, Somerdale, New Jersey 08083 USA
Phone:  856 783 0924 or 610 364 3930.
This website was edited, and updated by J. Robert Beaver  WebMaster@ChristophersHardwoodFlooring.Com on Monday, November 8, 2004 at 9:00 AM.